
Meandering Monday

I cant write. I've been staring at my laptop for days now. Twenty cups of coffee, three packs of cigarettes, and thirteen episodes of Charmed after, and all I have is an over estimate of the things I have consumed.

My photo editing skills border between MS Paint and Instagram

This is not new. Before I began trying to blog again, the last post I had was way back 2014. I opened another blog for 2015, where I only had ten posts. That's around one point something every month. I didn't like math, who cares. Now, I promised to be diligent and more invested (two year domain subscription invested). I was doing fine, until two weeks ago.

Believe me, I have tons things to write: The Emmy's, RuPaul's Dragrace All Stars 2, muscled teens killing a barangay captain, Train to Busan, some food places I visited, Charmed, my feelings, my perennial search for love, how to not bore your own self. See, I have topics, I have subjects, I have things to write about but I can't. Why? I am not expecting any answers from you, my beloved three readers. It's an existential question I always ask.

Sometimes, I think it has something to do with me being boring. I mean, I bore myself sometimes. I'm just lazy. I don't want to go out because I hate society. Yet, I yearn to be around people, and I yearn for that special someone. Ironic. 

I recently applied to be a part of a Cebu based blogging community. I promised to do seven posts a month. That's one hell of a commitment considering my current dilemma (writer's block, if you may). Something in me hopes that once I got in, it could inspire be to write more, better.

So, for the sake of a keeping my blog active and that subscription worth it, here are some things in bulleted list. This may or may not be true, neuron-friendly, or sane. 
  • My workmates invited me to go to the gym, I wished them luck.
  • My last shower was last Friday.
  • I changed my underwear though. I haven't worn one since Saturday.
  • My two-weeks worth of laundry finally got washed. 
  • Now, I don't have to go to work without socks, yeah and undies.
  • I have barely enough money to keep me fed until the next salary.
  • Phi Phi O'Hara needs help with her attitude.
  • She/He's a good businessman though, releasing an album in the midst of it all.
  • I love Katya, but Alyssa Edwards is slowing stealing my frozen heart.
  • I wasn't lying about the amount of cigarettes I consumed. Or the coffee. Or the episodes.
  • I miss someone, tried calling their number but it's no longer working.
  • Piper and Leo looked good together.
  • Kate McKinnon is funny af.
  • Julia Louis-Dreyfus keeps on winning. Why?
  • Those muscled teen killers though. I bet home service massage customers will start declining.
  • AlDub is still a thing, apparently.
  • I don't know where this is going.
  • It's not even funny.
  • Are you reading this?
  • You must be bored.
  • Very bored.
  • I should stop.
  • Yeah

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