
On To a Better Life! Happy New Year!

And here it is, another 300 and more God-given days to be filled with memories.

What's waiting for me in 2013?

For starters, I will be graduating this March. I would have included verbs such 'hoping' and 'expecting', then I thought "I have to own it already" so I wrote is just like it was mine already. Actually, it's what I've been asking for this year, a college diploma and I'll be on the roll. This last few December nights had been filled with crazy dreams of me graduating and having a really good job. It sends shiver down my spine just thinking about it. I also get teary eyed whenever I see my Mom applauding as I reach for my diploma. It's an overwhelming thought. As I have reiterated before, I am doing this for my Mom so this will mean the world to her. So this year, I will be one of those students who will receive their college diploma. I will graduate no matter it takes. 

" Gene Villones, Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication with Specialization in Public Relations, Graduate!"

This year, my blog will also turn a year old. Will look at that? Metered Words in his first year, Wow! I never thought that my blog would reach a year, and I have you my readers and friends to thank for it. Especially Ms. Melanie for linking my blog. As well as Ate Balut, Lawrence, and Ms. Cathy. So is Deej and Allan for allowing links exchange. I haven't really made rounds into the Philippine Blogosphere so I don't know that many blogger. I'd like to think I have a few loyal readers of my own and if you are one of them, thank you so much. I am really saving up for my Anniversary, so my supposed December giveaway was cancelled. I intend to giveaway prizes for my blogger friends and readers to say thank you for a fruitful blogging year. 

This year, though I don't have my hopes up, will finally be the year when I can finally have a strong and stable romantic relationship. I think after graduating and a job, that would be the only thing missing. I don't know what's the importance of it, it's just that I think I'm a better version of me whenever I'm romantically inclined. I have my fingers crossed that hopefully, love will come this time.

What else? Oh and hopefully, this year as well, I'd weigh less, eat less, and spend less. I didn't make any New Year Resolutions as I always fail to do them. I know it will a tough battle to say no to food and well shopping, but I need to be as disciplined as possible. I intend to lose 60 pounds until my birthday in May.

I think that's it folks.How about you? What are the things you look forward to this year? Have a good day folks, Smile!

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  1. i would like to greet u first a happy new year and congratulations in advance, aww sa march na ang karugtong haha ngayon pa lang ako magsstart magbasa sa blog mo and hoping that u will have more updates . il be expecting that. hehehe keep posting.

  2. Why thank you madam (with british accent) haha Thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome and I do hope you will enjoy reading my blog. Aasahan ko sa March ha? Haha See you around :))

    1. yes, basta u keep on posting ur updates nasa blog roll na kita, automatically makikita ko naman un kapag may bago kang post. see u around.
