
Step Up Revolution and The Healing

After class, I repeat, AFTER CLASS, I decided to go watch some movies. I will be going to Cebu again for a week so I decided to watch now. I was planning to only see Step Up Revolution, but since I will be     mall-less for a week, I opted to watch The Healing as well. I was just curious why people was raving about it.

Step-Up Revolution

It was all boobs, butt, abs, and curves. It was like a prologue to a porn movie, you know before they insert certain body parts to holes and  other things which civilization does not really approve. Anyway I know little about porn, so I really have no idea what I'm talking about. Going back, the acting was lame but that was to be expected since it is not really the selling point of the movie. I didn't enjoy their opening dance either. I think it was been-there-done-that type.I was really bored, and I was losing hope then they the museum dance started. It was an artistic number that I give them credit for. It was a feast for the eyes and the ears.The fusion of dancing and superb music incorporated with paintings and sculpture was simply phenomenal. Then came the dance in the restaurant and once again I was in awe.

Truly, the movie lived up to its theme, and it certainly gave justice to the previous Step Up movies in a way that the former surpasses the latter in many ways. To me, the best number they did was the one in coats and tie, when the group decided that their wouldn't want to just be noticed, they want to be heard. And they were. Surprisingly, the conflict was good, although the lack of superb acting and lines kinda ruined the part. Still I didn't expect the conflict to be that well written. The ending was a bomb, of course with the special participation of previous Step Up characters. But what really amazed me was the last number that the couple lead did. It was an amazing dance in an amazing view shot amazingly. Really, really good.

In summary, I must say that this is really a good follow up. Sure, the movie should have been polished in many aspects but all in all, I think the movie was able to serve what the viewers ordered. A feel good movie that makes you wanna dance.

The Healing

Okay, this one I'm really disappointed. It was a stellar cast maneuvered  by the famed  master of horror who brought us Feng Shui and Sukob. The latter was even the highest grossing Filipino film for a certain time.

When the movie came out people raved about how scary the movie was. Even the likes of Kris Aquino who starred in both Feng Shui and Sukob, as well as comedian Vice Ganda who starred in the highest grossing Filipino film of all time to date, gave praises for the movie. Because of this, I decided to watch it as well. As much as possible, I try my best to watch our own movies so tried The Healing.

Yes, the cast was amazing, the story is quite good too. I guess the element of surprise was mainly used to deliver the 'horror' in the film. Surprise as in when the character opens the door a bird will fly, or a certain character will appear out of nowhere. That kind of 'horror' to me is at the bottom of the list. Sure, it made me quiver, but after a while I get use to it that the 'horror' doesn't get me anymore. Other people in the cinema seems to be enjoying it. It is very evident in their screams and shouts in various octaves.

What made me even more disappointed is the use of special effects. It made the whole movie quite corny, trying to be exact. I don't really get why the other viewers shout whenever the characters eye artificially swell with the help of CGI. Can't they distinguish what is real and what is not? I don't think it did the movie any good. There are other ways to give a movie that scary vibe and there are many ways to put the 'horror' in it. Sad to say, The Healing failed it this part.

All in all, I can still say that Feng Shui and Sukob are one of the best horror movies the Philippines cinema has ever produced. It's really disappointing because the cast was amazing. Gov. Vilma Santos and Janice de Belen were good. Pokwang was funny. Even the small  but significant role of Jhong Hilario was well portrayed. It's just that it's not scary enough. I'm really sorry, as much as I want to praise the movie, being a proud Pinoy. I just didn't like it.

So there, I hope you all like my review. Although I don't think I'm much of a n expert to do such review,  but hey, we are all entitled to give opinions every now and then. Please don't sue me haha.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed your day. Keep smiling and have a pleasant evening.


  1. I have to agree that both films were too generic and too familiar. They were the kinds that we all knew via the previous films resembling them.

    One note though in 'The Healing', I wasn't really offed by the CGI, I was spooked really. There's no really anything bad when the CGI will involve shaking eyeballs. That rattle me up, real good. True story.

    1. Haha I guess it's just me. Those who were with me in the cinema were screaming too whenever the eye part comes.
