In reality, the rainy season last longer than summer. The latter start from April to May, while the former starts from June until the end of the year. That being said, I think it's very important to find ways on how to enjoy the rainy weather, since it occurs more often. Traveling is not really recommended because of safety reasons, as well as the hassle rain brings. Most of us stays at home, for obvious reasons, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't enjoy the weather. In fact, we should take it as an opportunity to bond with friends and especially your family. Classes are suspended here and there, and floods prevent people from going to work, with this unfortunate events, we should use the time to make up for those we've lost. So without further adieu, here are some ways on how to enjoy the rainy weather.
- Watch Movies/Movie Marathon - I think this is the most basic thing to do to enjoy the rainy weather. With all the good movie releases, I think you can find a good movie or two to watch with the whole family. If you want it to be relevant and educational, you could also watch documentaries. If you want your kids to enjoy then watch an animated movie from Pixar, Disney or Dreamworks. If you're with friends, a movie or two is not enough. It's like you spend the whole day watching movies. It's not a problem though, as long as you have plenty of movies to watch.
- Play Boardgames - If you're into Scrabble or Snakes and ladders, this is the time to play that game. To make it more fun, try to have funny punishment to those who will lose. For example, you can have a bowl of punishment and if someone loses, they have to draw out their punishment. It could be simply ones like 'Jump Ten Times' or to hard ones like 'Wash the Dishes Tonight'. Yes, this could be an excuse to make your child, or someone in the house do chores, without them thinking it's a work. Just don't let yourself lose though.
- Read a book - If you're spending the day alone. You could try and read a book. It's time to use your imagination again, plus it will improve your vocabulary. It's also a good stress reliever and if you're really in to eat, might as well drink a cup of coffee of tea while reading.
- Clean your room - You could take this opportunity too to clean your room. One of the reason's why I find it hard to clean my room is because of the hot and humid weather. Well, now you have no excuse since it's cold and all. I know that the weather is inviting and bed is teasing, but if your room is already a dumpsite, might as well clean it up. Then, your sleep or nap will be more deserved.
- Organize your closet - If your closet is like mine, a war zone. Better make use of this time to organize and clean your closet. Fold those shirt and hang those jeans. Place things in their proper order, maybe then your life will be a less messy too! haha
- Cook - It's another way to bond with the family. Try to incorporate everyone with the cooking. Assign someone to chop, to stir, to grind and all. This will be fun, especially for your kids. To cap it all, make a nice table setting or eat while watching a movie. Nothing is better after a hard work than a plate of good food and your family to cuddle with.
Well, that's about it. This are just somethings you can do to enjoy this rainy weather. You could try and find things to on your own as well. I think the rainy weather is perfect to get in touch with the family, or with yourself. Life is stressful, yes, so try to utilize this time to relieve yourself of the stress that life gives. Ease your mind and let your body relax. I don't think its bad to spoil yourself once in a while.
To me, rainy weather is best enjoyed with a cup of hot coffee, in my case I doubt that it would be just a cup. Anyway, enjoy the rain guys. Don't forget to smile and have a nice rainy day!
*I do not own any of the photos. Credits to the owners.
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